The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals

U.S. Portability

Portability is the international recognition and transfer of qualified credentials into ICREPS member-country Registers. If you are seeking work overseas​, your certification may be portable. To register with an international ICREPs country, you will need to provide a letter of portability from USREPS to verify that your qualification(s) meets current registration requirements in the United States.

If you have an eligible credential from a member organization, you can gain international recognition and transfer of those qualified certifications to work in other ICREPs member-countries. As an exercise professional, it is your responsibility to meet any additional, specific criteria of the Register where you intend to gain employment. While each country has specific requirements, USREPS provides the foundation for registration within the majority of ICREPs’ registers. A full list of Registers can be found here. Of note, qualification for registration does not replace the need to abide by a country’s visa and immigration laws.

A portability letter will be recognized for provisional registration in ICREPs member countries to enable you to apply for full registration. There is no fee to submit a request for portability.

REQUEST a Portability Letter.

Upon receipt, the portability letter should be provided to the ICREPs member-country’s Register where you choose to work to confirm you meet the registration qualifications in the United States. You may be asked to complete additional requirements in the country based on the standards set by the Register. This letter is only confirmation of the requirements you have met in the United States.